technics_hero_quarter circle roller arrangement

Roll arrangements

Overview of the most common arrangements of swivel castors and fixed castors

Due to the wide variety of requirements for the maneuverability of a transport device, there are different options for castor arrangements.

Below we provide an overview of the most common castor arrangements with their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Characteristics when cornering and driving straight ahead

Roller arrangement1
2 swivel castors and 2 fixed castors with the same overall height

This is the most common castor arrangement. Alternatively, 2 wheels could be mounted on one axle instead of the 2 fixed castors.

+ Good straight-line stability
+ good cornering
- Difficult to maneuver in tight spaces

Roller arrangement2
4 swivel castors with the same height

+ easy to maneuver in tight spaces
+ Can be turned on the spot
- difficult to steer when driving straight ahead (possible improvement: use of 2 directional locks!)

Roller arrangement3
3 swivel castors with the same height

+ easy to maneuver in tight spaces
+ Can be turned on the spot
- difficult to steer when driving straight ahead (possible improvement: use of 2 directional locks!)
- Device can tip over easily!

Roller arrangement4
2 swivel castors and 2 fixed castors, the fixed castors with slightly higher overall height

Alternatively, 2 wheels could be mounted on one axle instead of the 2 fixed castors.

+ Good straight-line stability
+ good cornering
+ Can be turned on the spot
+ easy to maneuver in tight spaces
- Device can tip over easily!

Roller arrangement5
4 fixed castors, the 2 middle ones with a slightly higher overall height

Alternatively, 2 wheels could be mounted on one axle instead of the 2 fixed castors.

+ good straight-ahead travel
+ most cost-effective solution
- Device can tip over easily!

Roller arrangement6
4 swivel castors and 2 fixed castors with the same height

Alternatively, 2 wheels could be mounted on one axle instead of the 2 fixed castors.

+ Good load distribution for long appliances
+ Good straight-line travel
+ good cornering
- most cost-intensive solution

A well-rounded solution: our configurator

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Gerhard Schwalb Konstruktion

Rolling in the right direction: Our adviser

Find the ideal wheels and castors or conveyor technology components  for your requirements and projects - with helpful tips concerning selection criteria, surfaces, load capacity an much more.


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