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Direction lock

A directional locking device for swivel castors from Schwalb is a practical accessory that extends the function of swivel castors. It fixes the castor in a specific direction, allowing it to act in a similar way to a fixed castor and only move in a straight line. This function can be switched on and off as required, which increases the range of use and flexibility of the castors.

Here we give you an overview of the many different directional locks that we use in our swivel castors.

We are also happy to develop special directional locks with you and for you on request, just ask us.

Directional locking for swivel castors

Directional lock for stable LM series

For our heavy-duty sheet steel swivel castors in the LM series, a loose directional locking device is available for some sizes and designs, which is mounted together with the plate of the swivel castor and raised in the process.

Directional lock light series L

Our lightweight steel swivel castors from the L series are also available in wheel diameters 80 - 125 mm as swivel castors with directional locks. These castors cannot be combined with a total brakes.

Directional locking device for heavy-duty castors from the LSO and LDSO series

For our welded heavy-duty swivel castors in the LSO and double swivel castor LDSO series, we can supply a loose directional adjuster for almost all sizes and designs, which can also be retrofitted. It is mounted together with the swivel castor plate and aligned in the process.

Directional locking for heavy-duty castors from the LSO-XS and LDSO-XS series

For our welded heavy-duty swivel castors in the LSO-XS and LDSO-XS double swivel castor series, we can supply a permanently welded and therefore non-retrofittable directional locking device for some sizes and designs.

Function of the direction lock:
The direction lock locks the castor in a defined direction, preventing it from turning freely around its own axis. This ensures that the castor can only be moved straight ahead in a specific direction, similar to a rigid fixed castor. When the lock is released, the castor can swivel freely again and be moved in all directions. This can be very useful for long straight-ahead journeys.
What is a directional locking device needed for?
The directional lock is primarily used in situations where flexible mobility and stability are required during certain phases of use. Typical applications include:

  • Stabilization during transport:
    For example, heavy machinery or trolleys that require both free movement and precise travel in a specific direction.
  • Increased maneuverability:
    In narrow aisles or when changing direction, where free maneuverability is beneficial but straight alignment becomes necessary at certain times.
  • Changing requirements:
    If the castor is to function as a swivel castor in some work phases and as a fixed castor in others, without having to change castors.

Advantage over a fixed castor:

The main advantage of a directional locking castor over a rigid fixed castor is its flexibility:

  1. Combination of both functions:
    The directional locking device makes it possible to use a swivel castor as a fixed castor as required without having to sacrifice mobility in all directions. You can switch between flexible and rigid movement at any time.
  2. Reduced effort:
    Instead of swapping between swivel castors and fixed castors when requirements change, the directional locking device offers both functions in one castor. This saves time and costs.
  3. Space-saving solution:
    As no additional fixed castors are required, space requirements are reduced, which is particularly beneficial in confined environments or with smaller transport equipment.
  4. Increased maneuverability:
    Once the fixed castor is no longer needed, the swivel castor can simply be moved freely again, increasing maneuverability, while fixed castors are limited to straight-line movement.

Overall, swivel castors with directional locks from Schwalb offer significantly greater flexibility and efficiency compared to rigid fixed castors, especially in areas where maneuverability requirements vary.


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